Baptism is one of God’s gifts to us, as we are washed and claimed by God through water and the Word. At Lord of Life, we lift up the gift of baptism within the community of faith. We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism as the beginning of a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ and the church.
We rejoice in baptizing people of all ages. As partners with you, we promise to support you and/or your child as you grow in faith, and faith exploration.
You need not be a current member of Lord of Life to be baptized, or to have your child baptized by one of Lord of Life’s pastors. Since being involved in a community of faith is part of the baptismal promises, please let us know where you are currently active in worship and understand that infants and children baptized at Lord of Life become members of Lord of Life through baptism—whether or not the families are members. Some parents who have family in the area choose to “come home” to Lord of Life even though they worship in another faith community. If you do not currently have a worshipping community, you are invited to consider worshipping God at Lord of Life.
Complete the Baptism Information Form
This information is required from all families planning a baptism at Lord of Life. Please submit at least two weeks prior to the baptism class date you are requesting, with the baptism date following your baptism class. You will receive a confirmation of the date and time.
After receiving your completed form, our Pastor will schedule a meeting with you to offer an introduction to baptism, a discussion on the Sacrament and "why we baptize"; outline the details of the worship and how we will partner with you in faith; and offer connection with others with whom you may wish to associate socially or as part of your spiritual journey (other parents or newly baptized).
Schedule a Baptism Date (select a date from the dropdown box on the form)
• Normally baptisms take place on the first and third Sundays of the month to keep the services as close to an hour in length as possible without sacrificing any of its components. (Holy Communion is part of the service on the second and fourth Sundays, and occasionally on the fifth Sunday.) If one of these dates don’t work, please contact the office and do our best to make arrangements for a date that does work.
• While exceptions are possible, baptisms will normally take place in the context of a worship service, rather than being held privately.
• There may or may not be other baptisms at the same worship service, but there usually will not be more than two families per baptism Sunday.
• Once you have picked dates for your baptism, complete the Baptism Information Form which includes information for the bulletin, the worship screen, and Lord of Life’s permanent records.
• Please do not send out invitations until you receive confirmation of your date and time from the church office.