Please visit our Contact Page or call the main office 763-427-1100 to get a hold of any of the staff by phone.
Pastor David Lechelt
Senior PastorPastor David began his service as Lord of Life’s Senior Pastor in the summer of 2013. He is always ready to share both his powerful experiences of God bringing him to LOL and of showing up with LOL in the neighborhoods of Anoka County with God’s love and hope.
Without a doubt he would encourage you to experience Sunday as “The Best Day of the Week.” From bible-based extemporaneous sermons to inviting our kids to show off their colorful socks with him, you won’t miss his warm welcome, love of people, and joyful invitation to life together in Jesus Christ.
He loves to beat the drum for “on the ground” impactful love of our neighbor and has enjoyed leading and partnering with the missions of several great non-profits in the area. He makes the most of his leisure time too, enjoying biking, cooking, reading, and travel. He loves in-depth faith conversations over a cup of good coffee and his tennis racket is waiting for a Spirit-filled volley on the courts with you.
mike hunstad
executive Director
Mike has spent over 25 years as a real estate broker, with many of those years focused on new construction. In addition, he has had the privilege of serving as president of a local non-profit, Toys for Joy, for more than 18 years, working to support the families of Anoka County—not just at Christmas, but all year long. His passion for community service also led him to serve as the CEO of a private, non-profit Montessori school in Anoka for 8 years, where the school served children ages toddler through grade 8.
Mike's family—his wife, Kelly, and their sons, Tyler and Evan—have been part of the Lord of Life family for the past 12 years. The connection they share with this community means the world to them, and they are excited for the future and all that lies ahead.
Elaine Johnson
Music & Performance arts Ministry director
Elaine returned to Lord of Life in August 2016 after previously working here with children and worship from 1995 – 2006. From directing Sunday School worship and children’s activities, to outreach to families and assisting with worship enhancement, Elaine is happy to be part of the loving and caring community of Lord of Life.
Grant brockhouse
Youth and Young Adult Leader/Missionary
Grant joined Lord of Life in 2019, having just graduated from Gustavus Adolphus College. In addition to heading up our confirmation ministry, Grant will also be venturing into the larger area to meet, receive, and gather youth and young adults into meaningful community. He has a great calling for youth ministry and is passionate to get to know and hear the stories of our youth and young adults.
amanda johnson
Kids & Family ministry director
Amanda Johnson comes to Lord of Life with a history and passion for performing arts together with a love for nurturing and guiding young minds. Drawing on her unique perspective as a mother to 4 young children, Amanda looks forward to building relationships and community with care givers and their children.
Carla king
Senior Ministry Director
Carla and her family have been members of Lord of Life since the late 1980's. She has a long history of being involved in children's ministry, as well as the church music ministry. She also has a heart for serving others through overseas mission and in our community with Ruby's Pantry. Carla and Randy enjoy camping...especially in our beautiful state parks.
Brad Kletzin
Contemporary Worship DirectorBrad is the Worship Praise Band Director, and although he was “officially hired” in 2012, he has been leading worship in various capacities at Lord of Life since 1996. You can find Brad playing the guitar and singing with our Worship Praise Band Sunday mornings.
raymond bell
A/V Producer
Ray is our AV Producer and our heads are spinning with his amazing ideas, talents, and positive energy. On Sunday mornings, you'll see him flying around the Worship Center getting all of the technical components ready for the best day ever! Ray's passion is video...stay tuned for more to come from his awesome direction!
mark grissman
Facility manager
Mark has been a member of Lord of Life for more than 30 years. He has been part of the custodial team since 2010 on a part-time basis. Mark accepted the position of Facility Manager in March 2022. If you look for Mark, you may have to cover the entire building as he is, setting up, repairing and anything else that needs to be done in the facility!