What is Ruby's Pantry?

The idea behind Ruby's Pantry is simple: Over 170 companies donate food and household products, and Ruby's Pantry coordinates getting those distributed within communities through 'pop-up' locations.

We understand the need for affordable groceries, and Ruby's Pantry helps provide to those in need AND ... to everyone! If you eat, you qualify.

Each guest gives a $25 donation and receives an abundance of grocery items called a "share". Ruby’s Pantry is not government funded and is a 501 C3.  Each donation is used to cover operational costs like trucking, gas, and warehouse staff. No one is ever turned away due to ability to donate. All of the food is donated by corporate food donors making it possible to reach more families each month at locations across Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and Iowa.

Click here to learn more information from our Ramsey location founder!



Food Distribution takes place between 4:30-6:00 pm. Scheduled distribution dates are as follows:

  • February 28, 2025
  • March 28, 2025
  • April 25, 2025
  • May 30, 2025 (5th Friday due to Memorial Day holiday)
  • June 27, 2025


Food from Ruby’s Pantry is delivered in units called “shares”. A share includes a variety of foods that manufacturers have over-produced. Foods are refrigerated, frozen or non-perishable.

Learn more about food dating here.


For a CASH Donation of just $25, each guest will receive a Ruby's Pantry "Share". Guests can receive more than one share. Day of Distribution, bring a $25 CASH donation with you.

What Is In A Share?

The variety of food changes each month depending on what manufacturers have over-produced. We do not know what is coming each month. When available, a list of the day's foods (subject to change) will be posted on our Ruby's Pantry Ramsey Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/LordofLife.org/

Suggestions for making the best use of Ruby’s Pantry food shares:

  • Don’t grocery shop for several days before the distribution date! 
  • Have space in your vehicle for a large box, a paper grocery bag and several plastic grocery bags.
  • Clear out your refrigerator and freezer to be ready to accept the abundant food you will receive! 
  • For those food items your family does not like, be ready to bless others, family, friends, neighbors with items you wish to share! 
  • Bring back the box the next time you come to Ruby's Pantry. This will help tremendously in sourcing these boxes. 


This event needs 70 - 90 VOLUNTEERS every distribution day.

Volunteers are needed from 2:00 - 7:00 pm on distribution day. Various shifts and duties are needed so you can choose what works best for you. People are needed to assist with unloading the semi, unpacking the food, packing guest packages, assist with guest parking, carry guest packages to their cars, and cleanup.

To volunteer, register at www.rubyspantry.org. Click on Volunteer.

  • Select Start Application
  • Do you have an existing account? Yes or No
  • Complete requested information
  • Select RAMSEY in the location drop down.
  • Click Sign and Submit the Application.

Ruby's Pantry will be in contact with you regarding your application and your information will be forwarded to Lord of Life.

Please come and be the hands and feet of Jesus to bring an abundance of food to our neighbors!



  • Our Ruby's Pantry Distribution uses anywhere from 250 to 400 boxes every month.
  • Volunteers are needed to collect and store 20-30 boxes monthly.
  • Boxes should be non-folding produce style - size 24" long x 15" wide x 4" deep - from the produce area - these hold the berry containers and tomatoes.
  • Heavy duty with full bottoms. No bottom holes.
  • No banana boxes please.
  • Bring to church the week of Ruby's Pantry (Sunday thru Thursday before the Friday's distribution date.) Drop off is beyond Door D thru the garage door - west side of church. Doors are locked so call the office when you are in the parking lot and someone will meet you.

Please contact Mary Lou for any additional information. Also let her know at the end of your collection, how many you have to bring. 


What Other's Are Saying:

From Elk River, MN: “I attend a peer group of staff in like positions to mine at other Lutheran Churches in the NW Metro. Lord of Life in Ramsey attends and started a ministry with Ruby's Pantry. All are welcome - only requirement is you eat!  It is a way to stretch the food budget. Someone I know went  and here is a summary of what they got. (I share this to encourage you to try this out if you are looking to stretch your food budget).  In August, I received: 16 pints of ice  cream, 4 half gallons of chocolate milk, 3 packages of circle cheeses, a salad mix, a box of bars, a box of mini muffins, a bag of rice (1 meal size), a commercial size bag of frozen mashed potatoes, a commercial size bag of fries, pack of 6 chicken breasts, a bag of chips, a bag of buffalo chicken pizza rolls, and a 9 pack of toilet paper.  Every month the items changed based on availability. $25 cash - what you get will be a mystery but WOW!" 

From Andover, MN: "I really appreciate Ruby's pantry so I can help out 2 grandsons who are short of cash right now.  They are grateful and are happy it doesn't cost so much for ALL THAT FOOD! Thanks."

From an Attendee: "The Volunteers especially, and to all involved in this herculean task, I say Bravo! Kudos! Well done! So MANY moving parts and you make it look seamless!"

From an Attendee: "Thank you to all of the volunteers for all of your hard work. I've been blessed by your efforts and your kindness."

Check out the Ruby's Pantry Ramsey, MN Facebook page the day before to find out what's coming.